Section: New Results


  • For non-diagnosable discrete event systems, active diagnosis aims at synthesizing a partial-observabion based control for the system in order to make it diagnosable. While some solutions had already been proposed for the active diagnosis problem, their complexity remained to be improved. In [40] , we solved both the active diagnosability decision problem and the active diagnoser synthesis problem, proving that (1) our procedures are optimal w.r.t. to computational complexity, and (2) the memory required for the active diagnoser produced by the synthesis is minimal. Furthermore, focusing on the minimal delay before detection, we establish that the memory required for any active diagnoser achieving this delay may be highly greater than the previous one. So we refine our construction to build with the same complexity and memory requirement an active diagnoser that realizes a delay bounded by twice the minimal delay. An extension to probabilistic systems has been accepted to FoSSaCS 2014.

  • In [41] , we present a methodology for fault diagnosis in concurrent, partially observable systems with additional fairness constraints. In this weak diagnosis, one asks whether a concurrent chronicle of observed events allows to determine that a non-observable fault will inevitably occur, sooner or later, on any maximal system run compatible with the observation. The approach builds on strengths and techniques of unfoldings of safe Petri nets, striving to compute a compact prefix of the unfolding that carries sufficient information for the diagnosis algorithm. Our work extends and generalizes the unfolding-based diagnosis approaches by Benveniste et al. as well as Esparza and Kern. Both of these focused mostly on the use of sequential observations, in particular did not exploit the capacity of unfoldings to reveal inevitable occurrences of concurrent or future events studied by Balaguer et al. [19] . Our diagnosis method captures such indirect, revealed dependencies. We develop theoretical foundations and an algorithmic solution to the diagnosis problem, and present a SAT solving method for practical diagnosis with our approach. The algorithms to check diagnosability of concurrent systems are usually performed by local diagnoses of twin plant communicating with each other, directly or through a co- ordinator, and by that means pooling together the observations. Parallel analysis of diagnosability [43] takes advantage of the distribution of the system allowing to decide the diagnosability of the whole system in terms of the diagnosability of smaller systems.